EASY DIY Sugar Wax Recipe

If there’s anything this pandemic taught me, it’s how to adjust and improvise. Everywhere was closed and I was NOT about to start shaving and ruin my perfect bikini line. Sorry to my wax lady because I figured out how to do my Brazilian waxes at home and I’ve never turned back.

DIY sugar wax strip wax.png

This sugar wax recipe is beginner friendly and you likely have all the ingredients at home. Plus— sugar wax is all natural, less painful and great for sensitive skin types. Here is how I make my DIY sugar wax:

The ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar (white or brown is fine)

  • 1/4 cup warm water

  • 1/4 cup lemon juice*

*you can also use lime juice or vinegar— it just needs to be acidic .. and safe for the skin. Please don’t go mixing harmful chemicals and say I made you do it sksk

What you need:

  •  medium sized pot

  • measuring cup (or channel your ancestors’ powers)

  • wisk or a something to mix with; spoons are fine

and  that’s it! 

DIY Sugar wax ingredients.png

Making the wax:

1. Place a medium sized pot on the stove. Although this is a recipe for a small batch, I prefer to go for medium sized pots since the mixture will start to bubble. You don’t want it to overflow. When that happened happened to me it was a lesson learned.

2. Add the all the ingredients (sugar, lemon juice, water) to the pot. Stir to combine the ingredients.

DIY sugar wax ingredients.gif

3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat and stir frequently. You may reduce the heat if the mixture starts bubbling rapidly, but continue stirring to make sure the mixture doesn’t burn.

4. Remove the pot from the heat as soon as the mixture turns golden brown. The time it takes to change color will vary depending on the heat intensity, so you have to pay attention. Continue stirring till the mixture simmers down and looks like honey or hot syrup.

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5. Pour the mixture in a heat safe container and let it cool. If you want to use it right away, please check the temperature first. Once it’s a tolerable temperature you can proceed.


And that’s it! 

I normally like my sugar wax to be a little looser in texture so I can use it as a strip wax— and I KNOW a big part of sugaring is so you can skip the cloth strips and popsicles sticks, but EYE don’t care lol. My nails are long, and I am NOT a pro with traditional sugaring. The strip technique is easier for beginners and gets the job done!  If you prefer to go the traditional sugaring route, use 1 cup of sugar instead. Let me know in the comments if you prefer to use your fingers or strips for your at home DIY sugar wax.

I filmed YouTube video of the entire Homemade sugar wax process, so you can check it out there:

I hope this was helpful. DIY sugar wax has definitely changed the game for me. It’s all natural, less painful than other waxes, good to my skin and I can save some coin. Try out this recipe and let me know what you think! 


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